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Library Rules


General instructions:

   Identity card will have to be shown on demand in the library and library main gate.

   Bags, handbags, files, issued books and personal belongings have to be deposited in the library depository.

   Your necessary information will have to be entered and signed in the register kept at the library main gate while entering and exiting the library.

   The documents which are being taken out from the library will have to be shown to the security guard at the post.

Membership procedure:

   Those who have taken admission in the university and have an identity card (ID) are automatically members of the university library and can use the services of the university library.

   The guests/outsiders of the University can avail the services of the library, for which they have to obtain permission from the office of the Registrar by filling the membership form available at the library circulation counter and handing over the completed membership form to the circulation counter. Then your account will be opened at the same time and you can avail services from the library.

   The three books at a time for UG students and four for PG students will be issued for 15 days, after fifteen days the late submission amount of Rs.5/day/book will be charged.

  User can return the books on or before the due date stamped on the book slip and get other books as per the requirement


   Issue-return work will be done during the working day of the library.

   Three books/periodicals/CDs will be issued to your account for a period of 15 days.

   Latest issues of magazines/Journals will not be issued.

   Reference books/latest issues of periodicals are only for reading in the library and will be issued for reading in the library against ID card.

   Each borrower is responsible for the books issued to their account. Hence a borrower is requested not to lend his card to others and Collect your card without any lapse after issuing/returning the books from the circulation counter.

   Every Borrowers and readers are advised to inspect the books carefully at the time of Issue/taking it and immediately inform the library staff if any deformity or damage, if any, is found in the book at a later stage. The person to whom the book was last issued shall be responsible for such loss or distortion.

   Readers and Members shall not damage, mark or mechanically reproduce any book, magazine, CD, map or manuscript, or any material belonging to the Library. The written permission is required for mechanically reproduction of the material. Readers and Members who violate this regulation will be liable to pay a fine imposed by the librarian or to replace the damaged material, or to pay a price determined by the librarian. If a section of a set gets damaged and it is not available separately, the whole set will have to be replaced or the cost of the same will have to be paid. A damage one book or set, which has been replaced or paid for by the borrower, shall become the property of the borrower.

   All types of reading material to be deposited in the library by the users, when required.

Book Bank & Service

   Students have to return all the books issued in book bank within three days after completion of the final theory/practical examination of the university, otherwise the student will have to pay the fine as per the library rules.

Digital Library:

   Library user can search the reading material as books, journals, magazines and research papers etc. on subscribed sites in the digital library.


   No dues certificate is issued from the library, students are required to submit their library reading material and dues amount in time.

We Expect from the users To:

   Maintained silence, self discipline in the library.

   Members shall not engage in conversation in any part of the library so as to annoy other readers.

   Users are requested to make best use of the available facilities.

   Anybody having any problem related to library can contact to Librarian.

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